Hiya guys, the moment you have been all, its finally here.
the mountain expedition. here are the mountain expedition cheats for you all:

If you log in at the town or plaza click mountain expedition sign on the bottom left corner of your screen and go to ski village:

Once you are at the ski village there will be a path way, start by walking in there

Once you walk straight in there will be a free item beside you saying free.
You can pick that up.
And also there is a supplies cabin there walk into it and there will be a catalog:

There are no hidden items in this catalog just the items in it.

After that walk into room 2 and there will be a challenge.
You will have to click on the icicles until they are all open and you can walk true the next room:

Once you have walked true that cage, in the next room there is a camp:

The camp is half way true the mountain expedition so why not have a rest along the way.
After that when you walk true the next room there is a branch, ax and a trunk of a tree.
First put you key arrow over where there is a lump of snow over the ax, the snow will fall on the ax.
Second, click on the branch and swipe it back and over until the snow is off the ax.
Third, click on the ax and chop down the trunk of the tree.
When the tree falls throw snow balls at the icicles up over it. and the trunk will go up in the air and fall down. then walk over it.

there u have made it to the top of the mountain, there is a free item and if you click on the camera you will get a free background.
I hope these cheats helped you. Let me know in a comment what u think about the mountain expedition.
OOH and also there is a secret room in room 4.
After you have don't the chopping the truck of a tree, there is a secret room at the bottom right corner where there is a block of ice.
Walk down there:

It is hard to walk to the block of ice so u might have to walk up and down to get there.
This is what there room looks like:

Its pretty cool huh! I love the mountain expedition do you?
Let me know in a comment what you think